Iridessence Indeed

*Brighten Your World*

Beautiful Blogger Award! November 25, 2012

Beautiful Blogger Award:

Angie Grapevine nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award, which has the following rules:

1. Link back to the person who nominated you. Angies Grapevine (Check her out!)

2. Post the award image to your page

3. Tell 7 facts about yourself

4. Nominate 7 bloggers and let them know about the nomination

Facts about myself :)

1. I am a believer in the law of attraction and also reaping what I sew,

2. I absolutely love Christmas lights and have always decorated my room with them as part of the everyday decor for as long as I can remember!

3. I am starting school this month to become an Esthetician (and its the hardest word I have ever had to spell lol),

4. I always make myself laugh and sometimes that’s socially awkward :P

5. I LOVE chocolate, I cant believe I waited until #5 to say it!

6. I am a HUGE dog lover, but I tend to get paranoid about heavy shedding dogs getting fur all over me! :(

7. I love islands because they are surrounded by my other love, beaches, and they are easier to navigate through than a large city lol

My Nominations for the *drumroll!* Beautiful Blogger Award!!

1. Authentic Expressions

2. The View Outside

3. Le Zoe Musings

4. Ardent & Awkward/in Austin

5. Aqua Vitae

6. Smells Good Feels Good

7. Kristen Lamb’s Blog

YAY!! Have fun everyone, and have a Bright Day!! :D


A bit of Everything to be Thankful for November 21, 2012

Should I go? Is it even possible? No way. I could never get off work on such short notice! I guess… it wouldn’t hurt to try…?

Could the stars align so beautifully to allow me to go on this road trip with my boyfriend and some of his family out to Colorado?

Why yes. Yes they did. And I went!

Hours before they were due to leave on a hunting trip out to Colorado I requested off from work and it came back approved.  Within two hours I was packed and ready to go. I grabbed my backpack, my safepac, and went to my mothers house to pick up her hiking boots and my brothers duffel bag to prepare for a week long trip! This wasn’t just some trip either. Or a simple camping trip. We were headed out to the mountain tops of a ranch where my boyfriends grandfather (from here forward known as Pop) used to live at as a boy. The goal of this trip was for Pop to teach my boyfriend how to survive in the wild and hunt an elk. My boyfriends little brother and father were going too, but they brought their luxuries to keep them feeling comfortable. I wanted to know what it would be like to survive it rough-like, though. So that is how I packed. Brought only what would keep me warm, toothpaste, toothbrush and wet wipes to keep me clean. You would think that wouldn’t require as many bags as it did, but I packed for a cold ride.



Even with all the “warming” things I brought it still didn’t prepare me enough for the cold winter nights up in the mountains. Two layers of pants, 3 layers of shirts and a hoodie, wrapped under a large blanket and a sleeping bag under a fastened tarp used as shelter and still chattering my teeth. As I laid their freezing and shivering all I can pray for is to get an elk tomorrow and praise for its sacrifice so we don’t have 4 more nights of this.



After waking up several times and going to the camp fire a couple times to rewarm myself, it was time to get back up and prepare for the hunt. Just me, my boyfriend and his pop. I brush my teeth, put on the required orange vest and hat and we’re off.

It was a different world up there. Its hard for me to explain. I was more vulnerable and at the mercy of nature. It put me in my place, if you will. I was awakened to a whole new appreciation of nature and it humbled me.

We trekked. Stopped. Listened. Trekked again. Followed the animal tracks and repeated the whole thing over. Before I knew it we were 2 miles out and the sun was coming up and we hear guns shots firing a few miles to our right. We are on top of another large hilltop and I could sense their shots were going to lead “game” our way (and in now way was this a game to me. I took this very seriously. Our purpose was to hunt an elk and that meant an animals life was going to be taken because of our intentions).

Sure enough Bang! Bang! Bang! These other hunters are trigger happy! Next thing we know we see a fleet of elk stampede from the direction of the shots. Pop get his gun ready and we are booking it as best we can down the other side of this steep hilltop trying not to slip on the snow and fall down. Pops loading his gun, stops and takes aim, but we missed out. The crowd of elk have already run out of sight.



Until another bunch comes running behind. Again the chase is on! Pop runs closer, yanks off his gloves and throws it behind him. I pick it up and follow close, he takes aim, fires, and misses. About 4 bunches of elk pass and another glove tossed we are short on a kill. Until one last group of elk come through. This bunch is very confused with all the noise bouncing from the mountain tops. A few stop to listen in the direction of the danger, but unfortunately one of them bravely didn’t make it. Bang! Pop lowers his gun and my boyfriend informs us the elk has dropped.

Pop stays behind to catch his breath and control his adrenaline, but we both go up the other hill where the elk lays. We find it, but he is still breathing and alive. As I watch him lay there inhaling hard I can feel the strength in his breath and his confusion. Or maybe it was just me. Because next thing I know I begin to hyperventilate and tears come streaming out uncontrollably. I have to go another direction. Any direction. Just calm down and collect myself. I then realize that this may be in no way helping this elk feel any more comfortable. I don’t even know how the elk is feeling! Or if he is even bothered! Or if he was okay with this ending. All this made me more upset, but if it were me, I would want my hunter to show more respect instead of walk away and wait for me to die. So I turn back and go to the elk. I thanked him the night before and this morning for his sacrifice before we even met him personally, but now I thanked him again face to face.

By this time Pop is up the hill with us and takes aim for the kill shot. I wont bother describing that part to you, but I will say it was completely different than what we think it would be or what we see in the movies. Pop then shares some words of wisdom about how strong these animals are and that they feel pain differently than humans. He says they can have a broken bone in their leg and they are still moving around and keep up with their herd, unlike humans if we broke a bone in our leg we wouldn’t be able to do anything. This bit of info made me feel a bit better about the whole thing, and the entire experience gave me a whole new found respect.



We skinned the body and took the meat back to freeze overnight. After one more chilling night we packed our things and drove our way back home to civilization. About half way home, though, we stopped at a motel so we all could take showers and freshen up for the remainder of the drive. I slept like a baby the rest of the way.

As I mentioned the entire trip was something I had been asking for for a long time. I wanted to be able to just take a trip on a moments notice and stuff some bags and be off on my new adventure! I did just that and I learned so much more about myself and how there really are two different worlds here on earth. There is the one we live in everyday, with conveniences everywhere we turn and then there is the wild where you have to work for everything and there is nothing convenient about it.

This Thanksgiving I am Thankful for the opportunities I have been blessed with this past year and being able to move forward with all the new knowledge I have gained

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving this year and share with others what you are thankful for. No matter where you are I hope you have a great time and a safe trip!


Who are you really? October 1, 2012

“Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing. ” –Thomas Edison

I concur whole-heartily Mr. Edison. Where ever it is we are headed in our personal life is a journey worth being awake for. I do not mean “awake” in the sense of waking up from a nap, but awake to the fact that whatever you dream of, you can have. You must put forth real effort and take true strides that go up the stairs, not staying in one place and making the motions as if on a stair-stepper. There is viable differences in keeping busy towards your dreams as opposed to simply keeping busy.

I thought it would be nice to give you an idea of who I am and who I want to be. Who you are reading from/about really? For starters I want to share with you an abridged list of things I want and want to accomplish, this includes materialistic things, what I want to do and what I want to be. I think it is something everyone should have/make for themselves! It is quite a fun list to make when you open your mind and your heart to what you really want out of this life!

Keep in mind, none of these are in any particular order :)

a. Italian citizenship

b. iPhone 4S

c. Grab and go travel secure bag/purse

d. Successful entrepreneur (good to be specific ;) )

e. Pilot a helicopter

f. Being able and spontaneously taking a plane trip to where-ever I want (!)

g. Travel to Italy

h. Build an awesome, off the grid, totally livable, tree-house (ridiculous sounding ones are typically the best to experience)

i. Lose all the extra weight I have gained over the years

Think I could have made it any more difficult for myself? Of course, but I am not going into that today. ;) haha

I have been working solely on a few. In fact I found and purchased my “Grab and Go, travel secure, Bag/Purse” The Pacsafe Venturesafe 300.

So far, I absolutely love this bag! There is so much room and organizational pockets that I have had no issues with it holding all of my stuff with plenty more room left over. I really want to test this out as an overnight bag for when the time comes to take that spontaneous trip I can just load this bad boy up with an extra set of clothes (and the necessary hygienic accessories i.e. toothbrush, toothpaste, deo etc) and go!

I am in the process of 3 other things at the moment; a, d, and i.

a. Refer to this link; still awaiting answer.

d. I have the idea and the product, but I am still researching the legalities perspective of starting a business :(. I know that after this hump I have it pretty well planned out! I am excited!

i. Started the Slow Carb Diet today… Yea. hah, thats all I really have to say! Just kidding, its not the most joyous diet I’ve been on, like weight watchers and calorie counting, but reality is you have to make sacrifices to lose the weight and who said that was supposed to be fun?! Alas, I will see the worth and results of this diet clearly enough in the coming weeks :)

I hope you had a bright day! I will leave you with this cute picture of Miko <3


Inspiration Up! September 27, 2012

In response to My Re-Blog Post;

Personally, I would have no idea how to craft and interpret something that inspired me in such a beautiful way that she has, but this was so simple and adorable I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share!

Also, to be honest, I had never heard of the film Fantastic Mr.Fox until I read her post. She describes the movie and some characters without giving the story line away, immediately I knew through her post it was something I had to watch and experience too!

With that said; Aspire to your dreams and everything you do put forth intent from the heart. There is nothing stronger and flaws do not exist. When there is true and honest intentions coming from the heart, without realizing, you reflect that to those around you and they will see how much you truly care. This is what creates pure happiness and leads us to greater and more worthwhile lives that I can only wish for everyone.

I wish I could make this a reality for everyone I come into contact with, but it is a path we each have to walk for ourselves. Not to say, “Don’t ask for help” because we all need help sometimes, but it is our own journey that no one else can walk it for us.


Continue to reach for your dreams for they appear to be dwelling with the stars, but are only arms length away. –Me! :3

Have a wonderful and bright day!


Previous Post

If anyone has ever watched the film “Fantastic Mr. Fox”, which is a must see for people of all ages(!), then I know you will appreciate this post by a fellow blogger. She crafted a dress for her young daughter inspired by this fun stop-motion animation!

you and mie


I’m so thrilled to be a part of film petit this month, a ridiculously awesome series hosted by Kristin from skirt as top and Jessica from A Little Gray.  For the series, Kristin, Jessica and a guest choose a favorite movie to use as inspiration for original children’s wear.

These ladies have fantastic taste in movies and incredible vision and sewing skills, so if you haven’t checked out the first two installments, A Life Aquatic and Amelie, check them out here and here.

When we were discussing movies for this month’s film petit, we were all drawn to several Wes Anderson titles (really, which Anderson film aren’t we inspired by??).  But we couldn’t deny how perfect Fantastic Mr. Fox would be for this season.  Not only is it a witty, well made, hilarious movie, but we loved the warm, rich, golden tones of the film, the amazing…

View original post 801 more words


Manifest? …Check. September 26, 2012

So. There is talk and then there is action. Talk is ever-present in this day and age, but action is for those with the courage and guts to get real results.

As you may or may not know, one of my many goals has been to receive dual citizenship with Italy per jure sanguinis. Jur sanguinis is a way to obtain an Italian citizenship if you can prove you have blood lineage from an Italian citizen. I am hoping to qualify through my maternal Great-Grandfather who was born and raised in Italy.

The other day, already having the necessary resources (the internet of course haha), I set my mind to accomplishing the next step. Turns out, first I needed to verify when my Great-Grandfather became naturalized in the US and the cheepest way to do that was to send a request form directly with the USCIS for only $20. Unlike other websites where they are graciously willing to take a check for $200+ for the same info.

Though the start was short, I was very relieved to put my first foot forward. Now I am waiting for the result before I can actually start running with it.

Have you ever gone through the passport process? For your current country of residence or even from a foreign country? I would like to hear your experience, whatever or wherever it may have been :)

Personally, I have had to go through 2 passports here in the US because I lost my first one :( First time I needed a passport was when I went to Germany with my best friend at the time. The second was for a trip to Guam with my boyfriend since him and his family are from there. I haven’t lost that one yet! Yay for me!

Another project of mine that I have been working on for the last few weeks is officially completed. I am going through my pics to make a tutorial out of later. I think that would be especially neat to share with you :) Muahaha! Now you have to come back to check out my blog later ;)

Have a bright and brilliant day… or night!


How to get out of the funk September 24, 2012

A roadblock is really a tricky beast. One day I feel I am making a lot of progress, and the next the voice in the back of my mind crawls up ever so close as I wake up the next morning to say “…you’re not even close!” Then it jumps onto my back, sinking its claws in deep with no intention of leaving anytime soon.

Lately, though full of events, places to go and people to see, I wake up today feeling like none of it really amounted to anything. Are these just pesky feelings of doubt? Or is it just me trying to sabotage myself into staying with the same old routine and guide myself back to a stale and comfortable life…Again?

That is not why I am here. I know I am meant for a greater purpose. Being a great person and not just a leader, but a supporter as well. Those feelings run deep, but somehow this little back-clutching parasite seems to find its way, making me feel like what I am doing currently holds no true worth. “Its not worth being known, you are not that interesting.”, ” Its not worth seeking out success because you will only fail”

When I write down what it says, I am able to recognize the stupidity of its resistance. As one of my last posts proved there is nothing to lose. And if I fail, guess what? I will continue to try and fail better next time.

My goal is to be a better self, more intelligent (haha, spell check just caught me on that word), more dynamic, and more adventurous! I want all this in the next 10 years. Hell, I could do it in 5 or less if I try.

We all have off days, and sometimes its good to take an off day and, literally, do absolutely nothing. You deserve a break every now and again; to recover mentally and physically to re conjure your passions.

I thought today was going to be one of those mentally off days, but its not. I still have that drive in me to accomplish all I can today because it is worth it. My dreams will not fall into my lap, someone will not just say “Here is a free trip to Italy” or “Here is a brain chip that makes you learn a new language instantly!” (Though that would be really awesome, where are those matrix rebels when you need them?!).

But alas, I have to work towards it. Day by day, inch by inch. :)

Have a Bright and fulfilling day!


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~ Aqua Vitae ~

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